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Results for "keyword: "universe""
A silence as vast as the universe A silence as vast as the universe
He who masters his soul He who masters his soul
There is a mystic in every one of us There is a mystic in every one of us
The universe is transformation The universe is transformation
Grace is abundant in God's universe Grace is abundant in God's universe
I am one part of the consciousness of the universe I am one part of the consciousness of the universe
Authentic work connects us to the creative habits Authentic work connects us to the creative habits
Stardust By Jada Rivera for KidSpirit's Reality and Perception issue. The shadow-dipped universe stares at me Its million glowing eyes never losing mine It knows my mind It knows my soul We feel the p…
Grace and Light A short prayer for grace and light along our way.
Terry Bookman in The Busy Soul Place your hand on your heart.